Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Some new phrases

So, you will all be pleased to note that I've finally located and obtained table salt.... It only took me a month. The snow from last week has finally melted, we've warmed up and now there's rain. There's not too much to report today, but the next few days will be busy busy so I'll have more to say then. For the mean time, want to learn some new German words and phrases? My personal favorite is the last one.

1. Bist du bereit? [bist doo buh-right] – Are you ready?

2. Du bist dran. [doo bist dran] – It’s your turn.

3. Hände weg! [hen-duh vague] Hands off! (very handy to know this one after everyone is drunk after a big soccer game)

4. Gute Besserung! [goo-tuh bess-a-rung] – Feel better soon!

5. Ich habe mich verlaufen. [ish hab-uh mish fair-louf-en] – I’m lost. (sadly, I must use this one A LOT.)

6. Können Sie mir bitte helfen?/Hilfe! Hilfe! [kun-nen zee mear bit-uh hell-fen/ hill-fuh] – Can you help me please?/Help! Help! (Sadly I forgot these ones when I got locked in a bathroom right at a restaurant after I arrive…don’t worry, I got out!)

7. Ich möchte gern Haare Schneiden und Colorieren. [ish mush-tuh gairn ha-ruh shneye-den oond coll-lore-rear-ren]- I’d like a hair cut and colour. (I actually walked into a salon with this written down on a piece of paper.)

8. Was bedeutet das? [vass buh-doit-tet dass] – What does that mean? (and believe me, you will use this one a lot!)

9. Das schafst du. [dass shaffst doo]- To pull something off/you pulled something off (very much slang)

10. Das klingt gut!/Das sieht gut aus! [dass clingt goot/dass zeet goot ouse] – That sounds good!/That looks good/nice!

11. Du siehst müde aus. [doo zeest moo-duh ouse] – You look tired. (probably best to use this one as carefully as you would in English.)

If you don’t learn number 13 you will have an album full of half face photos of yourself like this! (in Bergedorf)

12. Das ist der Hammer! [dass isst dare ham-muh] – That’s da bomb! (But the difference here is that people actually still say the equivalent of ‘da bomb’. If you are using that still back home you really must stop. Okay so I used it once recently but I was very, very tired.)

13. Können Sie bitte ein Foto von mir machen? [kun-nen zee bit-uh eyn fo-toe mak-en fawn meer] – Could you please take a photo of me (If you travel solo a lot like me this one really comes in handy!)

14. Das ist lieb von dir! (inf) [dass isst leebt fawn dear] – That is lovely of you (to do that)!

15. Das ist gut so. [dass isst goot zoh]- I like it.

16. Kurchen [curr chen] cake

17.         Es ist kalt [ es ist kalt] it’s cold

18.         Was ist los? (vas ist lows) what’s going on?

19.         Klettergurt (clee ter gurt) harness

20.         Seil (sail) rope

21.         Schuhe  (shooh) shoes

22.         Tschuss (tshooss) bye

23.         Bis spater (bis spa ter) see you later

24.         Bitte (bi tah) please

25.         Danke (danka) thanks

26.         Ruhe bitte! (rue bi tah) silence, please (stern way to say it)

27.         Eichhornchen (i-sh-hore-schen) squirrel

28.         Wie geht es dir? (vee gets es dear) how are you?

29.         Ich habe hunger (ich haber hoonger) I’m hungry

30.         Schones wochenende (schoones voken ende) have a nice weekend

31.         Gute besserung (guta besserung) get well soon

32.         Schokolade (schoocolada) chocolate

33.         Veruckt (veroockt) crazy


  1. Thank you for providing the phonetic spelling of the words. They would not have sounded nearly as funny! -Kayley

    1. You're welcome. It's becoming the running joke of the lab as people help me, and then they see how I write down the pronunciation of the words :) They think that part is hilarious.
