Saturday, March 9, 2013

Please pass the salt

So, grocery shopping should be easy enough... looking at the labels/image on the package and making a decision on what to buy. Sometimes that's not so easy, or I'm a blind bat (usually the case), most of my mistakes seem to revolve around buying something with meat in it- not so good. So food mistakes thus far: scalloped potatoes- ended up having ham on top, individual mini-pizza's- I totally missed the pepperoni on top. Both times my co-workers benefitted. The other mistake I recently made was trying to buy general table salt. I know 'jodsalz' is salt, but I pulled a bottle off the shelf that was labeled Bärlauch a plant which is a mix between onions, scallions, garlic with salt added in. As far a mistakes go, this one is pretty yummy and will go well with many things, and if you ever see it in a store, I would seriously try it. The direct translation is Bears' Leek, which is usually a plant that grows in spring. So, at least when I see something similar on a menu, I'll know what they're talking about. Maybe next time though, I might find actual table salt?

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