Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January Randomness

I have the best friends and family in the world. Over the past year, I have gotten 50+ cards or postcards, filling up a wall quite nicely. I will soon have to start another if friends keep sending cards, a problem I would love to have. I have a postcard exchange going on. If someone sends me one, I will send one back.

This past weekend I also went into the city center and went to this deli I have been eying for a while, but haven't been able to go to called Fried Flamingo. http://www.fried-flamingo.de/Patisserie. This deli/ Patisserie/ catering company was advertising a daily special with a few vegetarian options to my delight. I ended up get a vegetarian shepherd's pie, which had carrots and lentils in a savory sauce and topped with sweet potato. The sweet potato wasn't the American variety, it was not as sweet. On top was a cheese glaze. I also got a petit four dessert, which was a white chocolate wrapped confection, with a raspberry juice filling, so good. So good in fact, I cruelly ate in while Skyping with the family. Aren't I nice? Truly I wanted them to see the beauty of it and I couldn't wait another minute (after waiting 2 hours) to enjoy it.

Seriously, who could resist this?

Also up this week- my return to climbing. Somehow I think that my first time back will leave me extra sore, and I'm probably going to be a wimp. That's what happens when you don't do something for a while.

Finally, your German words of the week:

Einfach- simple
Strassenkarte- road map
Anfangen- which means 'to start'
Urlaub- vacation
Reisen- to travel
Grippe- the flu
Draussen- outside
Zusammen- together
Abfahren- to depart
Ankunft- arrival

1 comment:

  1. Just look at all those postcards! Ihre Freunde müssen wirklich mögen dich! =) I love getting postcards from you. I guess I'd better find another Urlaub to go on!
