Friday, July 19, 2013

Stress relief

Good morning,

A quick weekly update before I'm off again. So the past 2 weeks have been extremely stressful. I had a nice birthday, but needed some stress relief. Others were very on board with my plan. What is it? A water balloon fight, perfect for a 80F degree day. The guys had water guns as well (I didn't manage to get my hands on any of them), however I was strategic in my fight. I got everyone to go after one, and then another person, and my third friend and I teamed up. I ended up being the least wet, my partner and another ended up literally dripping, and the last guy was somewhere in the middle.... Now I need to watch out for future paybacks in the form of water gun attacks- eeep.



After all the balloons were done, we had a bit of fun

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Party time?


Insert Matchbox 20's song 3am here. Why might you ask? I was out and about the latest I've been in a long time. Very rare occasions have kept me out past 3, let alone crawling into my apartment at 3:30am. I mean, we all know what a wild party animal I am. However, how many people can say they partied at a castle?
After a little pre-party indulgences with amazing friends, we headed out close to 12. The group of us ended up dancing and drinking beer to some pretty horrible music until about 3am. Forget partying on my real birthday, this about covered it. Yet another good time with good people.

photo credit:

Saturday, July 6, 2013

A beautiful weekend

So, I haven't traveled anywhere in several weeks- I know, sad right? This weekend is going to be full of fun things, seeing as we have sun here for the first time in over 2 weeks. Did I mention sunny and warm (81F)? Therefore this weekend is going to be a fabulous one! So far so good already. On the agenda: Picnic(s), shopping (grocery and clothes), buying flowers for myself, a bike ride or two, going for some walks, cooking dinner for myself (yummy of course), and of course getting tipsy on the wine I had while cooking. 1 glass with 11% alcohol by volume is all it takes apparently. I have to admit that I'm writing this post-dinner, so it's anyone's guess what/if  I'll regret writing something tomorrow.

Apparently around the 4th of July, while Independence Day in the US, is a great time of sales here in Germany. After walking around in the sunshine for a while, I managed to find a cute dress, skirt, and light weight summer pants... I only went to the town center for the market, so this was a nice side trip. Currently in season at the market, cherries and peaches and the usual veggies. I also saw green beans that were huge, and must be lima beans, because they were about an inch and half wide by 6 inches tall. Also on my town center trip was getting some flowers for myself. I bought 2 small bouquets of chrysanthemums, one yellow, one white. A girl's gotta have something bright, seeing as other than from family, I've never gotten flowers otherwise. Someone needs to fix that... tbd who at a later date ;)

I also finished another book today, which made me want to be sitting on a sunny beach with another good book. Cue to later in the day, post Skype dates with the family, and I decided to go on a nice bike ride to Poppelsdorf and back, had a little picnic snack in the grass while there. By this point it is 81F+ and I'm ready for a break. After getting back to my nice and cool apartment, I fixed up some dinner, a very confused salad. Peaches, mozzarella cheese, romaine lettuce, honey mustard dressing with finely minced onion... deliciously paired with a Riesling, aka, the cause of the random blog :) Dessert- chocolates from Belgium, one with raspberries, 2 different kinds of creme brulee (the first one was very delicious, the second one- only okay), and a chilli pepper one, yum. With that I'll close this blog until the next one. PS, I have received a postcard almost everyday this week, and as I was getting over being sick earlier this week, it was the perfect thing to get in the mail. To date, I've gotten 26 postcards total, from 10 different people. Keep them coming, they are the highlight of my day when I see them in my mailbox.
